
Happy to have (some) non-NDA work!

If I had my way, all of life's tasks would be as slick as clicking here, tapping there, pressing that and done!

Designing a booking system that people love

You might know the saying "one size fits none". When designing a digital product that needs to help all sorts of service providers, you will run into plenty of challenges. To define the needs of our users, we started an extensive qualitative research period. Talking to all sorts of service providers in the MENA region. After discovering the differences (and overlap) in need, we created an incredible user-friendly booking system. Say hello to Peep!

Venture Building & Design Thinking: Competing in the online fitness market

The big challenge for TOMO was to develop a platform, a working business model, and position itself right within an already big and growing market. Our role in this early stage of the project was to conduct research on the state of the market right now, how to position the platform within the market, build a prototype, design an early concept, and validate our ideas.
Distrifood Dynamics

Applying Design Thinking in the Retail Industry

Distrifood Dynamics came to us with a request for help to breathe new life into their long and successful digital product. Because the product has been around for several years, technical obstacles became more apparent. Distrifood Dynamics decided to take the step to rebuild their product technically, and they also saw this as an excellent time to look at how they could further improve the product for their current and new customers. Using different methods, we researched with Distrifood Dynamics how we could further develop the product into a more user-friendly version and make it even more attractive for current and potential new customers.

Our Tailwind UI based Design System aligns Designers & Developers

In our Ultimate Guide to Design Systems, we talked about what a Design System is and why you need one. But you're here because you want to smell what The Rock is cooking! Practice what you preach, right? As a partner of Development Agencies, we not only tackle strategy & concept but also: Design. Since most of our partners are currently working with (or adopting) Tailwind UI, it was time for us to work smart and effectively...

Painting the future of user-centered eCommerce

For over 14 years, Verfbestelsite has been the place to go for ordering paint, stain and varnish. Besides offering all the major brand products, they also offer their own unique products, which are often more attractively priced. Over the years, Verfbestelsite learned more and more about their customers. Multiple types of audiences which span from professionals to regular consumers who purchase their products. Each type of user has their own specific information need and shopping behavior. Besides creating a modern and simple-to-use design system, we redesigned the navigation structure to a mobile-first oriented solution. The design system empowers our clients to extend their digital products in a consistent matter with superb usability.

Taking eCommerce for Custom Sport Apparel Brand to the next level

By doing extensive research into the field of Sports Clothing, we were able to create multiple personas. With these personas we wrote and prioritized user stories. Easy search functionality By adding a autocomplete with preview dropdown, users get instant feedback while search for their city. Communicate Product Benefits A full redesign also includes the product page. We made sure we communicated the USP’s in a clear fashion. Request new cities When your city is not available, you can request your favorite city for free. We link to this page on multiple occassions. Easy to use account page We created an easy-to-use section where customers can find their order status and change their addresses.

Digital redesign with clear positioning and clear goals

Together with Succesfactor, we defined strategic business goals. Why do they do what they do, and what do they need to grow? How can their website help them get where they need to go. Being able to communicate their expertise and experience will help them to attract the right type of clients.

From local software to modern Material Design web application in the cloud

Implementing a visual design system helps any company with bringing a more uniform, consistent user experience. Adopting the Material Design rules already gave us a very stront starting point. By figuring out which navigation patterns excuses themselves from this logic, we raised the overall quality with fixing the low-hanging fruits.
Verendus Industries

Application in Dark Mode Material Design for Stage Automation

Stage automation is a challenging and complex process. There are many ways in which a user can cause damage to very expensive equipment. So one of our guals was to make sure we had a safe and idiot-proof solution.

Driving up product value and increasing revenue

As a UX Designer, it’s essential for me to understand why we’re doing what we do. Helping a SaaS company to achieve their own goals and to help them prioritise work is not a simple job.
FDMG / Het Financieele Dagblad

How we helped the Dutch Financial times reach their OKR's by applying Design Thinking

In 2018 the Dutch Financial Newspaper “Het Financieele Dagblad” achieved a historic achievement when the membership passed 85.000 subscriptions. The Online Subscriptions grew with 41.000 readers.